Anchored Hope Outreach

Our Mission

The reality of human trafficking is that it is not a far-away problem. It is right here. In our schools, our neighborhoods, our cities and our state. At Anchored Hope Outreach, we have been called to take action. To be the hands and feet of Jesus to each of His precious, victimized children, helping them to heal in whatever way we can, and however He leads us.

 Our Street Outreach Team of 3 - 4 people takes to the neighborhoods of southwest Detroit twice a week, both day and night. We travel the same route every week, oftentimes ministering to the same friends, and always meeting new ones.

 We bring food and hygiene kits.

We bring compassion and friendship.

We build relationships and trust.

We share God’s grace.

Each story is unique. Each person affected by human trafficking is different, but the path forward is always difficult to navigate. When the time is right, our Street Outreach Ministry is there to connect sex trafficked victims with existing resources to assist with their recovery. In most cases, we are ministering to girls and women, however, we are open to sharing Christ’s light and our resources with men in need whom we also encounter.


Mission Statement


Vision Statement