Called to Serve?

Everyone has talents and gifts and there are many ways to use them with Anchored Hope Outreach. Reflect upon where you may be called to serve and fill out our Volunteer Form.

Prayer for Street Outreach Team

Pray for our Street Outreach Team, for the people we serve, and for our communities. Pray especially during the times we are on the streets of Detroit:

  • Tuesdays 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • Wednesday and Thursday Nights from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Education Night

Invite us to come share with your civic or church group. We believe that through education we can change the landscape that allows Human Trafficking to thrive.


A big part of our outreach is providing meals, basic hygiene supplies, and seasonal items to the people we serve.  We could not do what we do without all the extraordinary people donating to our outreach.  There are many different ways to donate to our outreach along with different kinds of donations.  If you would like to donate any of the items on our Donation List, please email us at

Amazon Wishlist - Purchases made here will be sent directly to our Outreach Team

Kroger Community Rewards - Click Here

Link your Kroger Card to Anchored Hope Outreach / NPO QD232

Another fun way to donate would be to sponsor a Pizza Day!  We like to switch our meals up so we aren’t serving the same meals every time we go out and who doesn’t love PIZZA! Donate $35 and we will use your gift to provide a warm meal during our evening Outreach.

Notes of Encouragement

Most of the women we minister to have very few personal items, but many of them hold onto the cards and verses we give them.  They read them over and over and those simple reminders that they are loved help get them through the hardest days and nights.  These notes should be written with love, kindness, and a Godly heart.  They need to know that God loves them and that we love them too. 

Street Outreach Team

Street Outreach is not for everybody and the first step is to pray about it to confirm that this is where you are being led.  When we are on Outreach we leave our judgement at the door and we bring compassion, kindness, and God’s love with us.  We pass out food, hygiene kits, any seasonal items, pray/minister, and help them in any other way which may include getting them to a safe place or rehab.  We are there to serve and to build relationships.  Establishing trust is so important to our mission that we ask participants for a 3-month commitment to go out at least once a month.  You must be 18 to participate.  If you have a serving heart and are interested in joining our team, please fill out the form above and we will contact you with more information.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

- Acts 20:35